2.10 Watermark Maker
- ImageCool Watermark Maker allows you to easily add text or image watermarks on photos.
- Make Text Watermarks:
- Please follow the steps below:
1. Open Watermark Maker dialog: Choose menu item "Tools > Watermark"
2. Drag and drop your photos from Windows Explorer onto the preview box or list box.
3. Choose a template from the "Template" list. There are 17 templates, you can choose one of them and then change the options to get the effect you want. You can also ignore this step, and choose your watermark options by yourself.
Tips: Click the button until you get the template you want.
4. Enter your text in the textboxes. You can make 5 watermarks at one time.
5. Position your watermark
You have two methods:
Method 1: Directly drag and drop the text in preview box.
Method 2: Drag and drop the coordinate lines.
6. Choose Text options
These are the most important options for text watermark.
Transparence, Font Size, Angle ...
Tips: Hold down the button until you get the template you want.
7. Choose Brush options
These options are used to constitute the main colors or foreground color of the text watermark.
You can choose a brush type from: Solid Color brush, Gradient brush and Texture brush.
Solid Color brush: The foreground color is a solid color.
Gradient brush: You can choose two gradient colors and the gradient angle.
Texture brush: You can choose to use the current image as the texture or choose an external image file.
8. Choose Shadow options
You can choose Solid Shadow or Suspended Shadow, then choose shadow depth, color and transparence.
9. Choose Edge options
You can choose transparence, color and thickness for watermark edge. If you don't want to add an edge for your watermark, then just change the transparence to 100%.
Tips: Hold down the button until you get the size you want.
10. ImageCool will list all the fonts in your Windows system.
You have two methods to change the font:
Method 1: Directly click the Fonts listed in the box.
Method 2: Click the button until you get the font you want.
11. Pick colors from the current image
You can pick colors from your photo in the preview box.
For Expample, Please follow the steps to change the Shadow Color:
a). Click the "Shadow" bar.
b). Click the icon , then move your mouse onto the preview box, the mouse pointer will be
c). Click on the photo to pick the color you want.
- Make Image Watermark:
- Please follow the steps below:
1. Click the button to choose an image for the watermark.
- 2. Position your watermark, you have two methods:
Method 1: Directly drag and drop the image in preview box.
Method 2: Drag and drop the coordinate lines.
- 3. Drag the slider to resize the watermark size.
Tips: Hold down the button until you get the size you want.
- 4. Drag the slider to adjust the watermark transparency.
Tips: Hold down the button until you get the effect you want.
Other Functions or Options:
1. "Repeat" option
If you want to repeatedly lay the current watermark to your photos, please choose this option and then click "Preview" button for preview. ImageCool will automatically repeat your watermark when you click the "Apply" button.
2. "Apply Respective Parameters for Each Image" option
If you tick this option, it means that ImageCool will use respective watermark parameters for each image. You can set respective watermark parameters for each image, and ImageCool will use the last watermark parameters for a new image which has not been set.
If you uncheck the option,
ImageCool will apply the current watermark parameters to all the selected images even if you have set watermark parameters for them. It is useful to add a same watermark to multi-photoes in batches.
3. "Apply to Current Image" function
ImageCool will apply current watermark parameters to current image and save to disk.
- 4. "Apply to Selected Images" function
ImageCool will apply watermark parameters to each image and save to disk. If you uncheck the "Apply Respective Parameters for Each Image" option, ImageCool will apply the current watermark parameters to all the selected images even if you have set watermark parameters for them.